Life Insurance

Within the NHS pension scheme you get death in service and protection for spouses and dependents, but not everyone is sure what these are.

With our knowledge we can make sure we take this into account when providing you advice on life cover.

Serious Illness/ Critical Illness Cover

We provide advice on the whole market for critical illness, as well as serious illness cover plans that pay based on the severity of conditions. We can compare the prices and market for you and recommend a plan that suits your needs.

We have specific plans for doctors and surgeons that combine with the jobs you do and help protect your future.

Income Protection

Again with income protection, you get sick pay from the NHS, therefore we have specific plans for medical professionals that take this into account. The cover provided is therefore over and above that of standard cover and takes into account the job that you do. Income protection is mainly known for protecting bills and mortgages, we show you the impact that sickness can have on your NHS pension and how income protection can be used.

Business protection

As a GP partner or director of a limited company you need to decide what would happen in the event of your sickness or death.   A partnership agreement goes into some detail on this but we would concentrate on the financial aspect and how key person and relevant life plans can help.

Buildings and Contents

We can provide cover for buildings and contents and also high value items. We can look at your existing plan and see if we can save you any money at renewal. Although you may not think you will ever be the victim of theft or damage to your property, it is always best to ensure that what you have worked so hard for is protected.

Private Medical Insurance

More medical professionals are turning to using private medical themselves due to delays in NHS treatment.  We can provide an affordable solution for cover but also compare the benefits you will receive versus the NHS.

Locum Insurance

In the event you need cover for your practice, there may be funding available from your NHS Trust, however this will not fully pay the cost of a locum in the event of your absence from work. Locum insurance provides either full cover or top up cover to the NHS trust sick pay, enabling the practice to continue without impacting your partnership drawings.

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